Alpines and Heathers

Whether you want to plant up a rockery or just add some of these lovely plants to your garden, alpines and heathers are a great buy.
Alpines bring variety in terms of texture, colour and season of interest. Create a rockery, plant up an old chimney pot or sink, tuck them into cracks in old stone walls, or just include them in your garden beds and borders. Ideal for when low plants are required along the front of a border.
Also ideal in rockeries, Heathers bring colour to the garden all year round. They provide superb ground cover and need very little maintenance. They're so versatile that you can plant them into your tubs and window boxes too and even make displays from them.
We have in stock the largest selection ever.
Heathers come in different groups, the main group being the Callunas, which are from the Scottish Heather. They have a wide range of foliage colours that are particularly vibrant during late spring and early summer, and most have masses of flowers in shades of pink, reds, white or purple during mid-summer through to winter. The remaining eight groups are too numerous to detail here but with careful selection, there can be heathers in flower from January to December. Bold groups of 3, 5, 7 or more of each cultivar, give a good overall effect in a large area, however single cultivars, chosen to contrast or complement each other can look attractive in a small garden.
Plan on using 6-9 plants per sq. meter making allowances for other small leaved shrubs planted with the heathers. This density can be reduced if more time is allowed for plants to grow
Come and see our range of Alpine and Heather plants at Parkhill - we're sure you'll find what you're looking for.