Beautiful flowers that don't need to be watered

This may sound like a dream to some - beautiful flowers for 3-6 weeks that you don't need to water. No water flowers® are unique, handmade product using specially selected bulbs that don't need water to grow.
Their dedicated metal support also came from the same innovative minds to provide exactly the support No water flowers® need. Just place your newly purchased bulb on its special stand either on its own or with some decoration.
The Amaryllis bulb is covered with a decorative golden or silver wax layer, produces 2 flower stems each bearing 3 to 4 gorgeous red flowers and, depending on the warmth of where you place it in your home, will bloom for between 3 and 6 weeks. A more eye-catching display for your home will be difficult to find.
No water flowers® are a perfect gift for those who love flowers but no longer have the time or the ability to look after them. With brightly coloured, large flowers, they can also be an excellent choice for those with failing sight.
Why not make your bulb the centre of a Christmas display? Arrange with some greenery like these wreaths, or Christmas decorations. No water flowers® show us just how beautiful that can be in this photo. Another idea is to arrange with a group of candles. Either on their own or as part of another display, these flowers will make an impact.
What are you waiting for? Drop into the garden centre and pick up your unique No water flowers® bulb while stocks last.
All images in this article are reproduced with kind permission of Nowaterflowers® and copyright of those images remains their property.