More Summer Bedding has Arrived
![IMG 1773 evergreen kalmia cropped](/index.php/assets/Uploads/_resampled/CroppedImage800400-IMG-1773-evergreen-kalmia-cropped.jpg)
The garden centre is a riot of colour with all the new Summer bedding plants that have come in. Feast your eyes on this selection and check out our Facebook page, too, as we post photos of new stock there too. Don't forget to protect your bedding plants from frost until the end of May as we commonly experience late frosts in the North East of Scotland.
These pretty little yellow flowers are Marigold Lemon Zest.
Marigolds - French Bolero
Geranium Bullseye Mixed brings an interesting foliage to your Summer bedding mix
Use Mixed Geraniums to bring a mix of colours to your planters, pots, containers and beds
Non-stop Begonias - a treat with the variety of colours and that lush foliage
Here's a beautiful evergreen - Kalmia Polifolia
This photo clearly shows the glossy photos and profusion of flowers Kalmia Polifolia delivers. The flowers are large terminal clusters of a bright rose-purple opening in April. It prefers an open position and partial sun. Ideally for a plant growing in Scotland, it loves moist conditions.
This intriguing plant is known as 'Woolly Bush'! Its official name being Adenanthos Sericeus. Native to the South coast of Western Australia, it has bright red but small, inobtrusive, flowers that appear alone or in small groups hidden in the foliage, and very soft, deeply divided hairy leaves. Mostly upright and spreading in habit.
Fuschias have a place in every Summer garden. This lovely standard fuschia brings that stunning combination of colour and tumbling foliage and flowers that are so lovely to look at in a hanging basket.
Producing pendant flowers throughout the Summer, Fuschias perform best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil with protection from cold, drying winds.
Mixed Osteospermum make a fantastic centrepiece for any display you're putting together in a pot, planter, or container. With their profusion of flowers throughout the season and their beautiful dark green foliage, Osteospermum just keep giving and giving.
Mixed Impatiens Walleriana 'Touch-me-not'. Pack of 10. A Summer-flowering annual, Impatiens blooms from early Summer to early Autumn. It prefers sun to partial shade and fertile, moist but not wet soil.