Seed Potatoes

Getting the best stock and exactly what you want often means planning ahead.
SEED POTATOES All certified seed. There is a choice of over 70 Varieties covering all types for Boiling, Salad, Mash, Roasting, Jacket or Chips.
Including less known, such as Anya, Colleen, Isle of Jura, Jazzy, Kingsman, Markies, Mozart, Mayan Gold, Osprey, Picasso, Pink Fir Apple, Pink Gypsy, Robinta, Satanta, Shetland Black, Vales Sovereign, Vivaldii, Sharpo Mira, Sharpo Blue Danube. Plus all the other familiar ones from Arran Pilot, Rooster to Wilja. Please check out our blight resistant varieties.
At Parkhill Garden Centre seed potatoes are kept in light, cool airy conditions to prevent long white sprouts which are of no use. We have a very good choice of different Onion Sets, Shallots, Garlic also Globe & Jerusalem Artichokes, Asparagus, Ginger, and Horseradish.
SUMMER-FLOWERING Agapanthus, Anemone, Begonia, Dahlia, Freesia, Gladioli, Iris, Lilium, Nerine, Sparaxis, Zantedeschia and lots more bulbs & tubers.
Nerines are in stock now and ready for purchase. Nerines are popular and we are frequently asked about them later in the year when the bulbs are out of stock, so you need to plan early, buy them as bulbs, and plant them in early Spring. There are occasionally pot grown Nerines available. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are on hand to help you choose. Make sure you get the pick of the bunch by visiting us soon and buying up your supplies in plenty of time.