The varieties of Certified Scottish Seed Potatoes

The varieties of Certified Scottish Seed Potatoes available from mid to late January onwards 2018 are as listed, subject to availability.
We will have a huge range of potato stock in the new year. Please see below for details.
Red = Good Show
Blue = Special Varieties
Green = Organic
All subject to availability.
Very early variety with high dry matter. Dig early for lovely salad potatoes or mature for great bakers.
High yielding, early bulking variety that hold their shape. Cream skinned oval tubers with a smooth textured cream flesh. Good for containers.
Arran Pilot
Very early traditional potato, bred on the Isle of Arran and the most popular variety in the UK in the 1930s. Excellent yield and flavour.
Relatively new variety. Great skin finish making it a good candidate for the show bench. Makes very good chips.
Has a good resistance to potato blight so is good to grow organically. Excellent all-rounder with light yellow skin and yellow flesh. Good pest resistance.
Duke of York
Traditional early variety, harvest when young for a rich sweet flavour or leave to mature for a floury texture. Makes excellent baked potato.
Traditionally known as 'Ayrshire Earlies'. A very good taste and texture. Recovers well from late frosts.
Foremost remains popular as a new potato with slightly waxy, firm white flesh and an excellent flavour.
Home Guard
Very popular heritage variety. Offers high yields of great tasting potatoes.
Lady Christl
Very early salad type with high yields, good taste and nice bright skin finish. Grown commercially in Cornwall and Pembrokeshire.
Maris Bard
First early variety that bulks early. It is high yielding and has high potato numbers.
First early variety that bulks early. It is high yielding and has high potato numbers.
Pentland Javelin
First early variety with good eelworm (golden) resistance . Very bright with a mild flavour.
Red Duke of York
A traditional red-skinned variety with a yellow flesh. Makes excellent roasts.
Recent variety, throws a large number of round whole potatoes. Early variety with good disease resistance.
Sharpes Express
Great tasting variety bred in Lincolnshire in 1901. This first early has a bright white flesh with a smooth skin. A favourite of gardener Percy Thrower.
Exceptionally early variety which produces lots of small round potatoes. It has partial resistance to both golden and white eelworm.
An early variety that produces large potatoes and has very good drought resistance.
A second early with a very striking appearance. Scrubbed and cooked whole Apache makes a delicious change from other roasts. The contrasting colours stay bright if blanched before roasting.
British Queen
Very popular in Ireland. It has a high dry matter with a floury texture and good flavour.
Distinctive kidney-shaped potato with splashes of purple around the eyes. The yellow flesh has a good strong flavour. A vigorous variety with good yields.
Good yielding variety with very bright skin and flesh. It has a fluffy texture making fantastic chip shop chips and great mash and roasts too. It has good resistance to eelworm.
Very popular variety with farmers. Large yields with early bulking properties and good drought resistance.
High yielding variety producing lots of small round potatoes. Bred from Maris Peer which gives it an excellent flavour.
An American russet style second early. Innovator is famous for it's french fries because of it's pale yellow flesh and creamy texture. It is also a versatile variety which can be baked, mashed or roasted with great results.
Attractive whole skins with purple eyes. Makes excellent chips and roast potatoes. Good resistance to blackleg and slug damage.
Very popular with farmers due to its ability to produce baking potatoes very early. Good bright skin finish and a nice flavour.
Maris Peer
Popular second early potatoes with a very good flavour. Are good as salad potatoes. Plant produces large clusters of pretty purple flowers.
Exceptionally high yielding variety with bright white skins and a good entry for the show bench.
Shetland Black
Purple-skinned long oval tuber with a floury textured white flesh giving a sweet buttery flavour. Unique dark purple ring around inside edge of flesh.
Grown widely in Cyprus and imported to the UK supermarkets. A white/yellow fleshed variety with a waxy texture making it a good candidate for a tasty potato salad.
A high yielding variety with a russeted skin. Will grow successfully in any type of soil and makes very nice tasting mash, baked and boiled potatoes.
A salad with a distinctive flavour. Unique in the UK potato market. Anya has a distinctive chestnut and hazelnut flavour with a firm texture and knobbly appearance. Award winner.
A must have in the garden for an early salad potato crop. Very attractive long potato with an unbeatable creamy flavour straight from the garden to the pot!
International Kidney
Exceptionally good eating salad potato straight from the garden.
A great new salad variety, just bursting with flavour. Produces lots and lots of small potatoes.
High yielding salad crop with a bright yellow flesh. Makes a very tasty salad potato with a waxy texture.
Pink Fir Apple
Popular in Victorian kitchen gardens this knobbly salad potato has an unrivaled nutty flavour. Cooking with the skin on will retain it's pink skin colour.
Arran Victory
Tall weed suppressing foliage that produces a moderately high yield. Blue/Purple smooth skinned oval tubers with very bright white floury flesh.
Big-yielding variety with an attractive skin. Good resistance to blight and is good for long term storing. Plenty of size and is a good one to grow for a baker crop.
Full blight resistant, Makes tasty roasts and mash.
The most popular red-skinned variety in the UK giving great crops of large potatoes. Regularly seen on TV being used by celebrity chefs.A good culinary potato which boils well and has a delicious smooth texture.
Short oval red tubers with white flesh, medium-resistant to late blight, stem nematode, common scab and bacterial diseases.
Golden Wonder
A traditional, heritage variety with a russet skin and a golden colour. Excellent roasted, baked or fried but not boiled.
Isle of Jura
High yielding maincrop, good for long term storage. Isle of Jura is a great-tasting variety which also has excellent disease resistance. With lovely cream-coloured flesh it looks and tastes fantastic whether bakes, boiled, mashed or roasted.
Kerrs Pink
A favourite in Ireland with an unusual pale pink skin with darker pink eyes. It is a robust plant, producing a large crop of bold tasty potatoes.
King Edward
A well known favourite in the potato world. Attractive white skins with bright splashes of red. Makes the ideal roasts and baked potatoes but is also good boiled with a strong, aromatic flavour.
A very popular variety in war-time Britain. It produces lots of potatoes with plenty of size.
Maris Piper
Probably the best known potato in Britain and one of the most versatile with an attractive plant with purple flowers. The potatoes taste great as chips, mash, roasts or simply boiled.
Great chip as well as roast and mash.
Mayan Gold
Mayan Gold originated from the foothills of the Andes of Peru. It is a golden coloured potato with a nutty flavour proving to be an exceptional variety for chips and roasting - a favourite gourmet potato with the chefs. Due to Mayan Gold's delicate nature it should be steamed and not boiled.
Attractive red skin with yellow eyes and flesh. High-yielding crop with good disease resistance makes ideal mash, roasts and wedges.
Excellent second early all rounder. Grown from the Kestrel variety, Osprey is famous for it's consistency and appearance. It is characterised by a beautiful smooth skin and shallow pink eyes. Grows consistently well.
Pentland Crown
Bred near to the Pentland hills outside Edinburgh this variety produces large crops of bold potatoes. It has a good resistance to scab which can be unsightly on the potato skins.
Bred from Cara but reaches maturity up to 3 weeks earlier. Great tasting variety with good disease resistance. Makes nice roasts and mash.
Pink Gypsy
Be the envy of the show bench with these attractive potatoes. Early maincrop with great disease resistance. Excellent flavour.
Was the number 1 crisping variety in the UK before paler crisps became more favourable. A very old and rare variety. Makes great mash, chips and roasts.
Good overall disease resistance, good red skin with contrasting white flesh.
Rooster potatoes have a deep red skin and shallow eyes. The flesh has a lovely smooth texture and it tastes as good as it looks.
Sarpo Axona
Produces high yields of smooth red skinned long oval tubers that have a cream flesh with a distinctive potato taste. Stores well.
Sarpo Blue Danube
Has some resistance to bruising and splitting. Early Blue skinned oval tubers with a floury textured white flesh giving a good flavour.
Sarpo Mira
A pale red tuber with a fluffy texture renowned for it's excellent resistance to blight.
Resistant to bruising and splitting and keeps very well in storage. Red skinned oval tubers with a floury textured medium yellow flesh.
A tasty red-skinned variety that produces lots of bold potatoes. Very good grown in soils that dry out quickly as it has good drought resistance.
Vales Sovereign
Attractive dual-coloured potato with excellent eating qualities. Great for mash, roasts and wedges. Good resistance to disease and ideal for the show bench.
An all-rounder that cooks every way and tastes great with the added bonus of having good disease resistance.
Very versatile second early, with a unique texture. Vivaldi has a sweet taste, making them an ideal baked potato without any added butter! A healthy choice, Vivaldi is perfect for mashing, steaming or baking. Award winner.
Red = Good Show
Blue = Special Varieties
Green = Organic
All subject to availability.